Thursday, December 13, 2012
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
I am currently reading books on my kindle and have found you can get books for free and as low as $.99. These books are primarily by unknown authors but worth checking out! I have read historical romance novels that I could not put down, to mystery and suspense.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
I've been harassed and bullied for most of my teen life and even some of my adult life for being skinny, I have terrible memories of being called names like stick, minnie mouse, skeleton, and lots worse. one time I was told that I was so thin it was obscene!that boys would never like me. that I should wear pants so no one would have to see my boney legs. it truly scarred me for life, but I rose above the taunts and cruel words and I have spent a great deal of my life in the defense of the under dog and little guy who can't defend themselves. I pray that no one, be it someone struggling with weight gain or the inability to gain weight does not have to bear the taunts of ignorant people! There is a newscaster back East who has been bullyied about her weight, I applaud her courage to stand up and say to a bully,YOU DON'T KNOW ME. We must teach our children how much words hurt , to be kinder and caringTO.STOP BULLYING!!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Autism Prevalence Now 1 in 88 children, 1 in 54 boys - National Autism Association
Boston, MA– A study out today from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) indicates autism now affects an alarming one in 88 children, (one in 54 b
oys) a sharp jump from the previous numbers released in late 2009,
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
“For me the act of creative expression is a very spiritual thing no matter what I try to do whether it's paint or draw or some bit of whimsy like my fantasy figures you will find on one of the following pages, even when drafting my stories. I have to be busy creating or I am not breathing. life is too short,; even cooking some strange new dish there is so much I want to say. colors and music and words.I am obsessed with wanting to create something, anything that will say how I feel! Sometimes I think I will burst with the need to free myself...ruie
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Saturday, September 22, 2012
another persective
What the media isn’t telling you about #MuslimRage | Avaaz
The one thing everyone should read about "Muslim Rage copy the link and check this out, you will be glad you did
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Saturday, September 8, 2012
tip of the day
someone will always be prettier, someone will always be smarter,
someone will always be younger,but they will never be YOU!
Success is not the key to happiness. if you love what you are doing , you will be successful.
77% of anti-abortion leaders are men .
100% of them will never be pregnant.
around the world, one woman dies every 90 seconds from complications of pregnancy or childbirth -- that's more than 350,000 women every year!
"women are not dying of diseases we can't treat...they are dying because societies have yet to make the decision that their lives are worth saving."
Thursday, September 6, 2012
TIP OF THE DAY from women's rights news.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Sunday, August 26, 2012
I PAID CASH for my Social Security insurance. Our benefits are NOT some kind of charity or handout! Congressional benefits... Premium Federal health care, outrageous retirement packages, 67 paid holidays, three weeks paid vacation, unlimited paid sick days!NOW THAT'S's welfare! And they have the nerve to call my retirement an entitlement ???
I am sick and tired of their crap!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Bahiyyih Khanum, the only daughter of Bahaullah, the founder of the Bahai' Faith drawing by ruie
In this Day nothing is so important as service. Did not `Abdu'l-Bahá voluntarily call Himself the 'Servant' of Baha, manifesting also in His life the perfections of servitude to God and man? We, wishing to follow the commands left by Bahá'u'lláh, spread and lived by `Abdu'l-Bahá, we can take no greater step toward the Heavenly Kingdom -- can give no greater joy to the present beloved Guardian of the Cause, Shoghi Effendi -- than that of loving service to all mankind
Monday, August 20, 2012
sorry but Todd Akin is a freakin moron!!!
I promised myself I would not do anything political on my blog, but I can't keep quiet any longer. If I was his mother I would be so very ashamed of him; he is either retarded or totally lacking of intelligence to say that there is such a thing as a legitimate rape. rape is rape!!. it is clearly violence against a woman and to say something so incredibly stupid is beyond me. !! a woman's body cannot at will get rid of a pregnancy, if we could then why would we have to choose abortion?
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
soon, you shall be gone far away
As will I, what then?
Will we find what we have been searching for? Or will we find the mystery
Was solved long ago
Fearful, always fearful, could it ever be? Oh God, what kind of fools are we
Born to know this love, yet to struggle against the mysterious that keeps us apart
If so, then I do not know why
But an existence like this, is a martyrs Path
And it does not fit us well
We cannot!
By ruie mullins
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
new fiber art piece in 16 x 20" lucite frame
materals used are silk, and cotton on tan burlap. one of a kind contact for pricing.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
I'm still here by Wendy Covill A Stroke Survivor from Bloomfield, Vermont
I'm still here, in this body, that this stroke has left behind.
I'm still me where it matters, I am still me in my mind.
Although I know I have a future,, I can't help longing for the past, I'm tired of the constant struggles, wondering how long they'll last
I want to walk among the flowers with my children at my side, I want to step into the ocean and watch my stroke go with the tide.
I want the physical body of my past, with the knowledge of today.
Most of all, I want the sadness in my heart to melt away.
Unlike the feelings of my loved ones, who are just glad I made it through,
I am angry and frustrated at all the things I cannot do
I don't know why I lose my temper, and hurt those close to me,
There's just so much they have to witness that I don't want them to see
So I'll try to move ahead, take it slow, one day at a time,
Try to keep a healthy attitude, try to keep an open mind.
But if sometimes you see me crying angry tears that sting my eyes, I'm longing for all the stroke took away-it hurts more than you realize
Monday, August 6, 2012
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
FINAL VISION Chapter Three
In November of 1970, Harrison was a student at Harvard Law school where he met Kirk while attending a conference in Brazil hosting the fourth annual Harvard-Stanford Law school international junior faculty for bringing 11 of the world's most innovative junior legal scholars from around the world to present their work. Kirk had been one of Harrison's mentors. Harrison had been a brilliant student and Kirk was grooming him for his law firm when he graduated.
An opportunity arose for Harrison to work in Afghanistan on issues of human rights, and he jumped at the chance and was soon crisscrossing the country in Black Hawk helicopters interviewing victims of torture.While in a local village he was confronted by a group of child soldiers.
He Made a deal with one of the leaders of the group to let him go and hid in the bush until he was later rescued. Apparently the young leader had his eye on a girl in the village Harrison returned to the states a hero and there was a lot of press about his trip to Afghanistan which only made the firm want him to join their ranks all the more. Only Kirk knew the truth that Harrison had given up the girl for his own safety. After all Harrison had confided in Kirk, “she was just another hopeless, faceless,dark-skinned female, with no future. While he had important things to do”.
Chapter 3 continues
I love you, Maeve, I love you too. “Nothing will ever change that.” Harrison is in the study with his best buddies, Jason and Betty, “thank you for letting us have our wedding here “ “no problem, says Betty”we wouldn’t have it any other way.” There is a knock at the door. “May I come in? "says Mr Marshall, Maeve’s father. “he looks sternly at Harrison. Iwould like to have a private word with my new son-in-law.” Harrison blanches. “Mr. Marshall shakes his hand and says “Harrison I had hoped , as you well know, to change Maeve’s decision, but she thinks she is in love with you.” I love her too , I trust you know that!” Harrison stammers. Marshall continues, if you do anything to hurt her, I will make you pay. Iknow you have a secret and I intend to find out what you have been hiding and I am not talking about your other women!” There are no other women! Harrison backs away.”You may fool others, butI am no fool!! The door bursts open, it’s the Minister, “ready?” Harrison looks at Marshall and smiles at the Minister “ ready”. He turns and looks at Marshall and leaves with the Minister.”I’ve got to find out what He knows,thinks Harrison as sweat flushes his face.” He’s old and can’t live forever ,especially with a bad heart.
Monday, July 9, 2012
FINAL VISION Chapter Two two months earlier
The drive to the Hamptons was amazingly uneventful, hardly a car on the road it was almost as if the world had stopped and got off for a while, dinner was great and the weather was calm. Jason and his wife Betty were Harrison’s best friends in college they had been friends now for a long time and their beach home,built in the early 1900’s, in what was often regarded as one of the country's most beautiful areas, renowned for its miles of white sandy beaches, excellent sailing waters and world-class country clubs, restaurants and shops about 100 miles from New York City , was warm and inviting . They had spent many summers together since meeting in college.
Betty helps Harrison on with his coat,”are you sure you can drive?”, Maybe I should call a cab." It's okay, I'm fine. Just a little, you know, Harrison smiles and walks out to his car turning back, he tips his head and tries to put the key in the car door. He drops the keys and tries again and looks up to see Betty's worried look on her face. “Don't worry , Betty, I'll be fine” he smiles and gets in the car closes the door and speeds down the driveway and swerves as he comes on the road. He skids to a stop at the intersection. Knowing his reactions are slowing. He starts across the intersection A little slower. He didn't see the young boy riding on his bike with his headphones on, the boy who is about 9 years old,is not paying attention to anything he is popping wheelies, he jumps up and down the driveway's and up on the sidewalk and then suddenly he darts between two cars. Harrison screeches to a stop ” oh my God what have I done! Harrison gets out of his car and looks around to see if anybody has witnessed what has happened. No one is there, he bends down to see if the boy is alive,, but he can't feel a heartbeat. He leaves the sprawled little body in the road. He gets back in the car and pulls out on the road,his eyes constantly darting to see if he is being followed. Back in New York Harrison pulls up in front of his firm's office. He breathes a sigh of relief as he walks into the elevator lobby.The firm is one of the oldest and most respected firms in New York, the building is one of the designs by architect Raymond Hood, Architect of the Rockefeller Center.
Now Sitting in a chair in the office of Senior partner Jerome Kirk, he is holding his head and crying. What am I going to do?” “Kirk motions with his hand, don't worry, I'll take care of it! Harrison says, " I can't tell Maeve! She must never know”” her father would just love this he would not leave us a dime. I'm... Jesus if this gets out, I'm ruined. Everything lost, gone, destroyed!.” “Kirk shifts in his chair”everything will be all right, try to stay cool."
“If you can get me out of this, I will owe you my life. Kirk looks at Harrison with contempt, he knows that Harrison is a coward
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Harrison closed the door to his apartment and stepped into the hallway. The air felt muggy and sweaty, not surprising since it rained so hard all night he hoped the roads would not be too slick for the drive to the Hamptons to visit his friend Jason and his wife Betty. To his surprise as he stepped out of the apartment building the weather had changed the air was fresh and clear and there seemed to be little traffic for a Saturday morning. He went to the underground parking to get his car a small green Fiat X19 a comfortable small car for driving in New York he had got a deal and. He was anxious to try it out on the highway. He touched the key lock to open the door and removed the convertible top, donned his sunglasses perched on his head, a noise grabbed his attention and he looked around but nobody was there. So he got in the car and took out from parking on to the street. He squinted,Good thing I brought my favorite sunglasses he thought to himself as he positioned them on his nose, while looking in the rear view mirror, he smiled "not bad if I do say so" "whew the sun is pretty awesome and really bright for this early on a September morning" he pulled out into the traffic and hit the gas going straight down the street as he adjusted the sound on his CD player he thought this might be a good day after all. He liked Irish music and tapped his fingers to the wild beat on his steering wheel.He thought of Maeve and their last date to see Michael what's his face and that hit Irish dance show they saw in new York just before the accident.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
This review is from: Sweet Release (Kenleigh/Blakewell Family Saga) (Kindle Edition)
I usually read mystery and political intrique, but decided I would try a romance for a change and am so glad I did.this was a well written and thoroughly entertaining story and kept my interest throughout. I could not put it down and actually wanted to applaud the ending, it would make a great movie in the genre of Gone With the Wind! great characters and style.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
it's been almost a year plus since my stroke and my recovery has slowed down and I still have the same problems with my left side being weaker and my left hand is numb still but what I miss the most is the ability to sing. I used to be able to sing just about anything in choirs and choral groups and for some years I was a professional jazz singer but now I can't even do a simple do re mi. It has something to do with my breathing. I still try and I practice breathing exercises every day and I work my hand and walk for the most part with a simple cane and sometimes even without help. But as I say the thing that escapes me is why I can't sing. I was told that I was lucky that my kind of stroke usually recovers fully in six months well obviously that is not quite true. Have you had a stroke? Do you have questions the doctors can't answer so do I. I know they are not God and sometimes they don't know when you ask them about this or that and what you can expect to happen how long will it be, etc. etc. I belong to a stroke organization that is online but even they have not been able to tell me what I can expect and how long my recovery will take. If you have any insights to any of this, would you be so kind as to share them with me.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Saturday, June 16, 2012
new poem, time goes by so swiftly
Time goes by so swiftly
there's little time left for dreaming
the time has come to put dreams into reality
but reality can be so cruel
I must go forward into that dark night
and find the answers to my quest and fulfill my place
who am I, what am I
what part of the world is my part
where do I fit
always the dreamer
hoping life would be something else
yet here am I
looking in the mirror, I see the same me
the same eyes looking back
but the cover, I called my face is not my face anymore
life and children have carved their place upon the surface
I never liked the cover anyway
but now I like it even less
oh to be young again and wiser
if ever I could wish for anything, it would not be beauty but wisdom
the wisdom to know what dream to follow, what dream to abandon
the wisdom to know when to persevere and when to let go
the wisdom to cherish the ones you love, not things
the life we throw away each day
so sure there will be another
so precious god’s gift to us
yes time goes by so swiftly
I entered this poem some time ago to one of those internet poetry contests, of course they want me to order a book to see my poem published but maybe it's a winner, would be nice. supposedly I am SEMI=FINALIST BUT I won't hold my breath. I already have my poetry in a couple of other contest books I bought, hehehe
Friday, June 15, 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
something is wrong with the way things seem to be happening in the country these days, do you feel it too?
a mayor has decided we need his help to lose weight, and another mayor has decided we need to watch our language in public, before you know it, we will see them goose stepping down the street! America needs help, not sanctions on our rights and freedoms to live as citizens!
Monday, June 11, 2012
Robert Hayden was an American poet,and a Baha'i, an essayist, educator. He was appointed Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress in 1976. On April 21, 2012, a U.S. Postage Stamp, within a pane of 10 Twentieth Century Poets, was issued featuring Hayden. Wikipedia
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
PRIVACY NOTICE: to be posted on you facebook page: Warning - any person and/or institution and/or Agent and/or Agency of any governmental structure including but not limited to the United States Federal Government also using or monitoring/using this website or any of its associated websites, you do NOT have my permission to utilize any of my profile information nor any of the content contained herein including, but not limited to my photos, and/or the comments made about my photos or any other "picture" art posted on my profile.
You are hereby notified that you are strictly prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, disseminating, or taking any other action against me with regard to this profile and the contents herein. The foregoing prohibitions also apply to your employee, agent, student or any personnel under your direction or control.
The contents of this profile are private and legally privileged and confidential information, and the violation of my personal privacy is punishable by law. UCC 1-103 1-308 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE
I think many California ballots will not be counted because of the last step. if you failed to click the final step your vote will be invalid and will not go through.I was aware that several senior citizens failed to click the final step and walked away blithely thinking they had voted.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Sunday, June 3, 2012
The Bourne Betrayal is the best yet by Eric Van Lustbader, he has finally got his stride since Ludlum's passing.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
loving the impossible, a diary. The water is too hot, I always do this, I always make the water too hot. This is my morning ritual, shower then turn the faucet to the tub, relief stress salts( they only melt in water that's too hot, otherwise they lie on the bottom of the tub and feel like tiny fragments of sand) then I ease myself down slowly into the too hot water for a long soak and to finish my favorite novel of the moment. But today it's different, just two weeks ago, I thought, I sat here with tears streaming down my face. What did I do to deserve this? But love him and be there, always unconditionally. No goodbye, just the emptiness, left behind with no goodbye. After six years of what? A relationship? I don't know... A lot of time, a lot of love, and then no goodbye. But today, I'm back. My mind is sharp as a tack, analytical, logical, resourceful, I am back. With one exception. I will never, ever give my heart away again. Time is too short and love is too painful.
You go to all the love-sick movies, you listen to all the music about love lost, found, on, and on infinitem. But you never find out what's the point? Why do some get lucky? Or are they lucky really? Love, it takes a lot of work a lot of feelings hurt and put aside, I knew from the start it wasn't going to be permanent. That's why I lied about my age. What difference would that make, we were never going to be together. It was impossible from the very beginning. Although in the deep recesses of my heart and mind I secretly wanted it to be possible.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Breaking news on CNN
but extended family still in danger,
have been arrested on trumped charges
Chen and wife and 2 children arriving New York today.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Tahirih Justice Center
Keep your calls coming! Tell your Representative to OPPOSE HR 4970 when it comes up for a vote ANY MINUTE because this VAWA bill would ROLL BACK PROTECTIONS for battered women and children like Tahirih’s clients. Find your representative: or read Tahirih’s update today about HR 4970:
Find Your Representative ·
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Am reading a book about Hemingway and Gellhorn (his third or fourth wife), that is soon to be a major film, it's mostly about his time in the Florida Keys and the USA during the hard times before and during the great depression, it is an eye-opener that should be told! scary that we seem to be living it again, if it is true it is changing my mind about a lot of things.
friends I am copying this from sorrygnat's email to me today, please go to sorrygnat website for more important information for all of us. perhaps we can be of help.
battered women in prison
by sorrygnat
Readers, further into my posts, you will find entries of T.C. Paulinkonis, her mom, Barbara, and life at Chowchilla Prison, a too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter prison, where T.C. sends, and I receive, or I send, and she receives mail. She has been in prison for 22 years. Her mother may soon be released, due to age and infirmity and go to a halfway house.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
List of Some Favorite Writers
Kathy Reichs
John Grisham
Aaron Patterson
David Baldacci
Patricia Cornwell
Robert le Carre
Sue Grafton
Sara Gruen
Janet Evanovich
Greg Larsson
I love mystery and intrigue, it's probably obvious;
don't care much for romance novels.
Judging others is strongly discouraged in the Baha'i Faith.
"O Son of Being!
How couldst thou forget thine own faults and busy thyself with the faults of others? Whoso doeth this is accursed of me."
So many messages we get in day to day life encourage judging others. For instance, we learn that it is humorous to find faults with others. Sometimes it seems that finding other people's problems would somehow lessen our own. Many gossip simply to alleviate boredom. However, striving to refrain from judging others, whether vocally or internally, helps us to grow spiritually and to feel happier.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Well there is a new writer on the horizon by the name of Aaron Patterson, he has written a new series of thrillers, that will capture your imagination. I could not put them down and would highly recommend them!give him a looksee, you won't be sorry Amazon Books online. get them now while they are cheap. They will cost a lot more soon.
Monday, May 7, 2012
it's been a year since my stroke and things have slowed down for my recovery but I'm still here and doing my exercises every day and writing. I put my painting off for a while because I need more inspiration. In the meantime I am still trying to write a book about my family I don't know if anyone will be interested but at least I can leave something for my children to let them know how much I love them and what a crazy bunch we were. Eccentric doesn't even begin to describe us we were creative and elusive and just downright different than the average person. I hope that it will give my children a glimmer of who we were and what we did to survive. Tune in again to see what is going on if you would like to hear more. Thanks for your interest and I hope to hear from you soon. ruie
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
regarding RUIE'S SYMPHONY, my wonderful friend Annick put together a video of my abstract art painting, I hope you like it,oh be sure and put on your headphones. Abstract painting is my new passion.should you see anything you like, of course they are available $25 each plus mailing. I will be showing them soon at the San Juan Capistrano Street fair sometime in March or April. Maybe I will see you there. In the meantime check out my Facebook page to see my latest silk painted and hand dyed circular and regular scarves. More later.oops I forgot to say the paintings are on stretched canvas, done in in acrylic and are 16x20.
hi guys, sorry I've been away for a while sad to say I had a stroke and I haven't been able to do things like usual, it's mostly on my left side it's very weak I have to walk with a cane or walker but I'm still here. My left hand can't type for me so I use a program called Dragon naturally speaking, it's a godsend and wonderful for people who have disabilities although it sometimes gets my name wrong and calls me Ruby not ruie which I have to type in when I use it. So instead of 120wpm I use the Dragon and it's almost the same thing as typing I can go as fast as I talk. Well anyway to make a long story short I'm getting back to things I do like reading and painting and enjoying life. I am grateful for every sunrise. And I've learned that life is short and you have to do what you can do when you can do it. So don't be like me and waste your time with dreaming about things you can't do just do what you can do and be grateful. My grandson Matthew is also a God'send he helped me get back on the stick and so now I can edit my blog. I'll be back in a few days with some new stuff that I've been doing lately painting on silk and hand dyed circular scarves plus painting abstracts which really is my passion these days. Sayonara for now talk to you tomorrow
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