Desert Rose Baha'i Institute hosted international artist Hong Tatt Foo this week and what a week it was. A few of us were given the incredible opportunity to have Mr. Foo as our mentor and instructor. I can't begin to thank him enough for being so kind and generous with his talent. Allowing us to learn and feel good about ourselves. These are my contribution to a week of absolute wonder.
your blog is good advertisement for DRBI; soon we'll get out of slug mode and fear of gas prices and save our pennies, well maybe nickels and dollars and get out there for a workshop; images are the way to go gal; you are terrific at creating them; sigh; we are still in Chico; oh God, why wasn't i born: thin, a ballerina, or at least a graphic artist God, why, why, why!
Why? Because you were born a writer, a gifted, talented, brilliant writer and we need all of those we can get!
mucho love, ruie
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