Sunday, October 5, 2008


So many solutions to my defects
Solutions that are easy to find
Alas I'm too busy with yours
To pay much attention to mine

There is so much
About life we just don't know
Because of that which our society
is afraid to show

So many faults
We desire to expose
Like mannequins in a window
Only our perfection we pose

So afraid of what others will see
So let's keep the finger pointed
At someone else, not at me

So it is with your faults
That I spend most of my time
Yes, I'm too busy with yours
To pay much attention to mine

I point my finger at you
To keep from pointing it at myself
Conveniently ignoring life's laws
By storing them on the back shelf

When I am causing you pain
I tend to forget my own
Not realizing that this reprieve of time
is just a loan

Every now and then
I think how unkind
But I'm too busy with yours
To pay much attention to mine

Somewhere it is said
Even as you have broken the least of
My commandments, you have broken them all
For this we are accused
Whether we are young, old, big or small

So self-righteous
That it is about your faults I whine
Too busy with yours
To pay much attention to mine

But if I could just redirect my gaze
Maybe just maybe, I could help others
By changing my ways

Alas, so many defects
So little time
Too busy with yours
To pay much attention to mine

from "Two Poets" by Castadarrow Thompkins

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