Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Hello my dear readers,

It came to my attention today that it was not such a good idea to put my writings, as such as they are, on my blog for all to see. That there are those who will take advantage and that I am way too trusting. Therefore, I have deleted all of my stories from the blog. I loved having them there for your enjoyment and perusal, but it's a sad thing that trust no longer has the value it once had. So sorry.

For anyone who may be interested, all of my writings have been entered as written by ruie Mullins and copies of same have been registered with the Writers Guild West in Beverly Hills, CA for safe keeping. This is for my protection as a writer that I will always get credit for anything written by me.

Just a word of caution.

always with love, ruie

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Ogham - Ancient Irish/Celtic Alphabet


After a while you learn
the difference between holding a hand
and chaining a soul...and you learn
that love doesn't mean security, and
you begin to learn that kisses aren't
contracts, and presents aren't promises

And you begin to accept your defeats with your head up
and your eyes open, with the grace of a woman, not the
grief of a child...and you learn to build all your roads
on today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain, and
futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.

After a while you learn that even sunshine burns
if you get too much...so you plant your own
garden and decorate your own soul, instead
of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

And you learn that you really can endure...
that you really are strong, and you really
do have worth. And, you learn and learn,
with every 'goodbye' you learn.

I don't know where I found this, but I just love it
and wanted to share, it's so true.

What If

What if the world was kinder
and everyone was free
what if the world was tender
to each other like you and me

what if I said I need you
what if you said you need me too
would the world be safe
what if that were true

what if I said I love you
what if you said you love me too
would it be such a tragedy
to love me as I love you

what if every morning
there were rainbows on the dew
and stars at night fell from the skies
to touch the hearts and melt the sorrows
and compassion was our view

what if I said I love you
what if you said you love me too
would it be such a tragedy
to love me as I love you

ruie...What If - a work in progress